This is a simple financial tool that will help you easily convert global currencies. We simplify
the currency conversion, making it extremely easy to operate, giving you a good use experience
and saving you valuable time.
Our exchange rate API's high uptime and reliable currency data are now a trusted choice - give
our service a try!
Get the data you need from our exchange rate API - it's perfect for spreadsheets, apps, SaaS,
E-Commerce and more!
How accurate is the currency data?
We collect exchange rate data from multiple central banks & commercial sources and then use our
own algorithm to blend these different datasets.
How often do the exchange rates update?
Updated data is available on the hour, every hour for users on paid plans. Our free exchange
rate data is updated once every 24 hours.
Where does the API get foreign exchange rate data from?
We collect public reference data from a number of central banks and commercial sources around
the world. An example would be the reference rates released by the European Central Bank each
We give you the power of our most up to date, reputable currency information and offer you
secure, reliable, easy to use products and services dedicated to making your life easier.